Daufuskie Island Independent School (DIIS) is always advancing, thanks to our curiosity, innovation, and supportive community. We're dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation, Your support is crucial to our success, fortifying our community and helping DIIS remain a flexible and responsive leader among independent schools. This site provides various ways for you to contribute your time, skills, or financial support. Together, we can make DIIS stronger.

Daufuskie Island Independent School (DIIS) is always advancing, thanks to our curiosity, innovation, and supportive community. We're dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation, Your support is crucial to our success, fortifying our community and helping DIIS remain a flexible and responsive leader among independent schools. This site provides various ways for you to contribute your time, skills, or financial support. Together, we can make DIIS stronger.

Choose Your Impact


The Daufuskie Fund encompasses our greatest needs, including academic development, teacher support, technology, classroom supplies, and student life. A gift to the Daufuskie Fund is an investment in every aspect of the student experience.



Access Scholarships, awarded to full-time Daufuskie students, help keep tuition costs low to ensure every Daufuskie student can access middle school education on the island. While all on-island students are eligible, some families choose to reinvest the scholarship in the school.

For others, the modest $5000 tuition can be a struggle, and our Access Plus Scholarships help cover additional portions of the remaining tuition for families in need.

A generous contribution to our Scholarship Fund makes exceptional education on Daufuskie a reality for all students. We believe family investment is an important part of a student’s education, and all families are expected to contribute, whether financially or through sharing time and talents. This ensures all students and families support the education of our students equally.

Please consider a generous donation to our Scholarship Fund today.



The arts help develop essential life skills: creativity, collaboration, empathy, and resilience. Each of these is essential to a holistic education. In year two, we aim to grow our arts programs and expand opportunities beyond our own students by facilitating extracurricular experiences for island youth.

Specifically, this year, we aim to start an instrumental music program during our school day and music lessons open to the entire island after school. With your generous donations, we can hire an instrumental music teacher and purchase instruments. This is only the beginning – many more possibilities exist for our brilliant students. 



Organized sports may never have been more important than now. Countering hours on screens and too many hours indoors, athletics are critical to help students build life habits for good physical and mental health. In middle school, physical activity is appealing when it is something you can do with friends. Sports teach youth sportsmanship, teamwork, resilience and confidence.

In our first year, DIIS introduced the students to several new sports through our PE program and started an extracurricular track and field program. Building on student interests, our goal is to add cross country, tennis, and archery programs in year two. Your generous support can help us pay for uniforms, equipment, and competition & travel fees. We are excited to help our students develop lifelong healthy habits and to lay the foundations for participation in high school sports.

"Daufuskie Island Independent School has brought out a side of my son I didn’t know existed. The growth I’ve witnessed has been exceptional and honestly hard to put into words.”

-DIIS Parent



Are you interested in exploring corporate giving and sponsorship opportunities? Partnering with our organization supports a meaningful cause and aligns your brand with impactful community and education initiatives. For more information on how your company can get involved and make a difference, please reach out to us.


Maximize your impact with matching gifts! Did you know many companies offer matching gift programs, doubling or even tripling your contribution to our cause? Check with your employer to see if they participate in gift matching, and make your donation go even further. For more information on how to take advantage of this opportunity, please contact us. Your support and your company’s generosity can make a significant difference.


Consider leaving a lasting legacy through planned giving or estate gifts to DIIS. By including us in your estate plans, you can ensure that your commitment to our mission endures for future generations. Planned gifts, such as bequests, trusts, or annuities, provide critical support for our long-term sustainability and growth. For more information on how you can create a meaningful legacy, please reach out to us. Together, we can make a lasting impact.
